That Year You Didn't Know Whether To Scratch Your Watch or Wind Your Butt

(Title is from a line in the movie Steel Magnolias)

      Today is the Full Moon in Gemini... "That Gemini Full Moon When You Got Out of Your Head and Into Your Life" a fun and lovely blog by @AstroRealness about what that means and why you should care. He's very funny and cuts to the chase. I'm choosing this Full Moon to share my year end review because A) I have finally gotten out of my head and am stepping back into my life and 2) because full moons are powerful crescendos, moments of truth and quite literally about coming full circle....   

  About four years ago, I created my first dance/theater piece(s) called A Conversation of Chairs. It consisted of three sections, one of which was titled The Choice. We filmed this piece for the show we were taking on the road and it opens with the quote, “One of the hardest decisions you’ll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder.”  I remembered this quote as I recently made the choice to walk away from something… something in which I had previously always chosen the ‘try harder’ path.  This sentiment echoes perfectly the tone of my last couple years. And each and every time, door number two was the right choice. Trying harder is always the right choice … until it simply is not … until that moment when your heart simply refuses to be silenced by your mind any longer. But here is the bitch of it; even in that moment, trying harder is still not the wrong choice (because life is not black and white) but it sure as shit isn’t the right one either. Eventually, ignoring the truth does more damage. Wanting something to be right and something actually being right are light years apart.     

This has been a marathon year. It was single-track, blinders on and laser beam focus. Almost every major decision I made this year was in service to that race. It was a pretty rude and ironic awakening when I finally crossed that finish line and stopped running (more like collapsed in a heap) that I realized I didn’t want the medal. I didn’t want to be a runner anymore. And actually I was never truly a runner to begin with. With the blinders off and the crash of adrenaline, my head no longer had the energy to silence my heart. And maaaan, it would NOT shut up. There was no escaping ‘it’.  THE TRUTH. *Dun, dun, duuuun. (Obviously, this is a long drawn out metaphor for something else – but this is where my mind is taking me and the literal resemblance is spot on, so deal.)

I’ve said I, but actually it was and is a WE. We not only accomplished our goal, we took first fucking place. But after all the trying harder and wanting it to be something else, it was not right anymore. We chose to celebrate that success and all our efforts with our characteristic fist bump explosion and by riding off (because now we’re on bikes. Seriously that marathon was INTENSE…like IronMan) into the sunset …on different paths.

My father made a very poignant analogy about the energetic power or lack thereof in certain relationships. He said that the two individuals are like spheres of energy, constantly moving/rotating. When the union is right, these spheres come together and their points of connection (like quick kisses) continue to power them around their individual orbits. They do not meld into one unidentifiable mass. They do not knock one another off their trajectory. They do not create a black hole. This connectivity should create sparks generating a greater orbit thus encircling them both. It was the hippiest pep talk my dad has ever given me, I think he even kind of second guessed himself as he was explaining it, but it was and is perfect. 

To continue on this fun string of metaphors and also to loop us back around to nuggets of wisdom from my performance past, 2016 resurrected my role as Alice in Wonderland. It has absolutely been an unexpected mad tea party of riddles and ‘What the fuck?!’s. (Hello?! The fucking election and President Elect... I can't even.) I still catch myself looking around with raised eyebrow and a crazy eye saying, ‘Huh?! Whaaa happened?’ But at this point I’m sittin’ and chillin’ and drinking the Wonderland Kool-Aid, because you know – why the hell not? The New Year is wide open, and for the first time in awhile I can figure out how I want that to look … just for me. Despite 2016’s challenges and unexpected-ness, it has also gifted me with a lot. I’m excited to see what 2017 has in store and how I can co-create with that.
Alice in Wonderland; 2008 (ish)
Miles Playhouse; Santa Monica, CA 

I hope your year end review has afforded you with as much clarity, relief, and gratitude as mine has. Happy Solstice my loves and Happy New Year!


"Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn, then ALWAYS be a unicorn."


  1. Well said. I will take a big 'ol glass of that Wonderland Kool-Aid if you are pouring....


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