We Are Layer Cakes (RIP Louise Hay)

     Of the many beliefs and opinions I hold, one of them is that physical ailments have a powerful correlation to an emotional/mental root. Mayhaps that's because I seek out some sort of bigger meaning in just about everything. Even so I think there is a very strong case for the psychological impacting the physical. I mean come on, they're all layers of the same cake. (*Sidebar: I totally want to be a chocolate confetti rainbow unicorn cake! Is that even a thing?)
Think of times you may have been able to intellectually understand something, but it didn't stop your heart from hurting. When you don't feel well, it affects your outlook and disposition. Remember, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
     It is with a heavy heart then that I recently learned of the passing of Louise Hay, author of 'You Can Heal Your Life', my personal go-to 'Heal Your Body: A-Z' and many others. This mind-body-sprit concept was her life's work and she helped countless spiritual beings through their human experiences, myself included - countless times. She helped us see the intricate connections of our respective layer cakes. She gave us affirmations and mantras to help us re-direct our focus and attitude. It never failed to amaze me. When I was battling strep throat or laryngitis, at the same time I was also not speaking my truth or speaking up at all. If my back went into paralyzing spasm it just so happened that I was not feeling supported in my life or by my life. The times I've had UTI's, I can absolutely say that I was pissed off at my lover.
      Look, I can hear your eye rolls from here. Stop, because I am in no way saying that I do not believe that germs, bacteria, viruses, reckless behavior, not enough yoga, injury, etc don't cause illness and dis-ease. I'm also not saying don't wash your hands, go to the doctor or take medicine when you are really sick. No, I don't think that chanting in a sweat lodge will cure all ills. (Although, yes, I am a fan of both sweat lodges AND chanting. Both of which can be very healing, but that's neither here nor there.) What I AM saying is that while in state of dis-ease, if you really look at what else is going on in your life, your mind and your heart, you will probably be able to connect a few dots. And who doesn't want to feel better and heal faster?! What do you really have to lose by looking at yourself and your life holistically? Is it really gonna hurt to strike a power pose and say something positive? Or if you're not power pose ready... repeat it to yourself silently as you fall asleep. As humans, we love us some control. Actually, I should clarify that, because there are plenty of people who love themselves a victim card. So for those that want to engage more deeply with themselves and the life that they are creating, then I recommend a gander at the insight that is the incomparable Louise Hay.

Rest in peace fellow warrior goddess in arms.
And T H A N K   Y O U!


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