Howdy Ya'll

    For those wondering how I'm faring so far in my new coastal city and culture...I'm still a smidge shell-shocked at how drastically the last five months have veered away from my initial hopes and plans. Like MapQuest kind of veering. (Anyone else remember how awful those directions used to be?...taking you into East Jesus Nowhere away from where you intended to go
That being said, I've only been here 10 days, I've had two job interviews one of which I'm starting Monday morning! I think it's safe to say then, I've made the right decision. 
     I can't say the job is earth-shattering in the excitement or long term trajectory department; it's Assistant to the Project Manager for a construction company re-building an elementary school on one of the islands here. And yet, I am grateful! I am grateful for some peace of mind knowing that in just a week or two I can FINALLY file the petition for Tom's visa application. I am grateful to establish some sense of routine for awhile to allow my nervous system to calm the fuck down and not feel like I'm free-falling into never-ending uncertainty. (And yes, I'm well aware we are all free-falling into never-ending uncertainty every minute of every day but let's set the existential conversation aside for these purposes...) I am also grateful to my family for gifting me with a room of my own for a time and honoring my sometimes solitary ninja roommate ways.

     AND in addition to the employment victory, this southern mini metropolis has some seriously cool shit going on! *wipes her brow in exaggerated but honest relief
My first outing was to attend a 'Junk 2 Funk' fashion show with my niece at her performing arts high school  (Savannah Arts Academy)....think the Project Runway unconventional materials challenge. It was incredible! 
Then last night my sister and I attended a First Friday Art March through the Starland District in downtown. Cafes/restaurants, boutiques, and galleries all open up showcasing local bands, fabulous artists and generally cool curiosities. 
And tonight, I'm headed to an event at the Southbound Brewing Company for the release of their Savannah Music Festival double IPA (Rollin & Stumblin) and a concert by six piece bluegrass band Steep Canyon Rangers
Yeeehaawww ya'll! ;-)

   I can't say I'm completely at ease with everything yet, but I think maaaybe I can start to make out a teeny lil speck of light at the end of this tunnel. I'm taking it as a good sign that my first day of work begins not only on a New Moon but also the Chinese New Year... in MY sign.
Bring it Fire Monkey!!

"Always be yourself, unless you can be a Unicorn 
then always be a Unicorn."



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