Level up!
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of getting together with a magical group of friends to make vision boards. The timing was and IS perfect. A) It's been about five years since my last one and 2) I am still fresh off the boat of being back home uber fired up to launch this next phase!
For those screwing up their face at this seemingly hippie dippie buzzword - a vision board is simply a physical/visual representation of what you want to bring into your life. Grab some old magazines, scissors, adhesive, and a 'board' of some kind (heavy duty card-stock, poster-board, a canvas, a corkboard, etc). Voila. Throw some friends, snacks, wine and tunes into the mix and you have a party! There doesn't need to be any kind of big ceremony around it. You don't have to promise your first born or blood of the thing you hold most dear in exchange for what you're asking to receive. Cut and paste baby. That's it.
We all have a pretty clear idea of the things/people/experiences we want in our lives, and yet it's best to go into a vision board session completely open to whatever shows up. In addition to finding the bits and pieces you already know you desire, there may be images and words that jump out at you, scream for you to cut them out, that are totally unexpected. Don't ignore them! They're speaking to you for a reason even if you don't know what it is yet.
If you do have friends with you, it's fun when you all start seeing images for each other and puzzle pieces start getting passed around.
Like I said, it was about five years ago when three of my girlfriends and I did created these the last time. That was a magical, magical night. When I walked into the party yesterday, one of the first things to catch my eye was one of those old boards hanging on the wall. DeLise had never made one before and she went into it completely open with no plan or specific purpose. Every. Single. Thing. has since come to fruition! She kept it all these years and brought it to inspire everyone.
In my own experience then, I was desperately trying to manifest a writing fellowship that would allow me to travel for a year so my board was a honking three tiered canvas monstrosity. I did not get the fellowship but several months later I was able to plan a four-five month expedition that led me to create The Rover. When I returned I used that same three way 'mirror' to build a memorial collage of my adventures. This shit works.
Choose words that are in the present tense as if all these things are already happening in your life...because they are. Avoid negative statements or even words like 'I wish... I want ...I hope ...I will ... someday'... etc because you are not wishing. All you desire for your life does already exist, it IS already here. You are merely bring it to the forefront. Leveling up. I could get pretty esoteric at this point, so I'll stop here. The key to remember is the the overall statement of your board should be... This IS... I AM ... I HAVE. It is especially powerful when you can either use pictures of yourself or your name in the scenarios. I used letter stickers to attach my name to something very particular on my current board. Not that you need to read a book about making a vision board since it's so straightforward, but a really easy read about the power of manifesting and honing said skill is The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield.
So if you do have some old magazines lying around, before you recycle them, take a couple hours and see if anything speaks to you. What's a couple hours to uncover the infinite potential of a whole other level to your life? I mean, right?!
'Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn then always be a unicorn!'
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